Daddy's Leaving Because He Hates You
Swedish! LSD!
Mercury Rev - "Secret for a Song"
Can you stomach another Rev album? I'm not sure I can!
Out Hud - "The L Train Is a Swell Train and I Don't Want to Hear You Indies Complain"
I took the L train today! It was indeed swell!
Low - "Death of a Salesman"
Tab this for me! Is the guitar tuned to G? I'm too lazy to figure it out!
The Monkees - "For Pete's Sake"
A theme song for everyone who thinks that there is little or no difference between "Al Qaeda" and the American Neocons, that they are both incompetent, greedy fundamentalists who have no problem murdering tens of thousands of innocent people in order to impress some imaginary asshole in the sky; for everyone who, in their most optimistic moments, believes that these two clans will eventually destroy each other because they are too stupid to realize that they are fighting the same enemies -- individualism, secularism, humanism, liberalism -- and the whole fake "war on terror" means that those values are winning, and have been winning for years! Wink!