Friday, October 29, 2004

The Purple People Eater Voodoo Hex?

From the ESPN's Cursed Franchises list:
#7: So labeled by football fanatics in Canada -- where Joe Kapp, QB for Minnesota's first Super Bowl loser, had starred in the CFL. Upset that Kapp lost and tarnished the image of the CFL, Canada placed a curse upon the Vikes.

Anyone heard of this shit before? And for Minneapolis' hippie, non-toilet flushing brethren, we have:
#16: The Curse of Brian Bosworth: The Boz was so embarrassed and crushed after Bo Jackson destroyed him on a memorable night game, that he cursed the Hawks -- and they haven't won a playoff game since 1984.

I'm a monkey and they're just making shit up, right? Sometimes you have to type these things out before they register.

Songs for the Civil War

Impress your asshole friends with this timely mix of hits guaranteed to get you pumped as fuck for the upcoming Civil War! I'm killin' you first!

zip (PC/girls)
sit (MAC/boys)

1. "The Last Day of the Miners' Strike" by Pulp
2. "Slow Life" by Super Furry Animals
3. "All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace" by bravecaptain
4. "Exterminator" by Primal Scream
5. "Youth Against Fascism" by Sonic Youth
6. "The Gloaming" by Radiohead
(flip record over)
7. "Ignoreland" by R.E.M.
8. "Jesus, Etc." by Wilco
9. "It's Gonna Rain" by Violent Femmes
10. "New Roman Times" by Camper Van Beethoven
11. "Wake Up" by The Arcade Fire
12. "Fare Thee Not Well Mutineer" by Grandaddy

A Dissenting Opinion

Thursday, October 28, 2004

The Dodgy Endorsement/Self-Indulgence

The Life Myopic hereby endorses John Kerry for President of the United States.

And yeah, it's more of an "endorsement against" Bush than anything. But so what? What choice does any educated, thinking person really have?* Sure, the odds of a Kerry or Bush presidency having a direct effect on my life are pretty small; right, Trey Parker? I am middle class, I am white, I am male, and I am right-handed (though I skateboard as a left-handed person would**).

I live in Manhattan and work in the Empire State Building. And, to be honest with you, I don’t ever fear for my life. I think the chances of a terrorist attack like 9/11 reoccurring (in America) are very small. All the same, I don’t want to die (ever), and I don’t want anyone I care about to die -- and it appears to me that Bush cannot defend this country. He sure as hell couldn’t three years ago. Hell, even if he was better than Kerry in this regard -- which he’s not -- I’m not sooooo scaaaared that my little life trumps the progress of mankind, which Bush is clearly intent on retarding.

Speaking of scary shit outside of your control, what if, somewhere down the road, I or someone I care about is stricken with Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s? As Laura Bush so eloquently put it, there is no guarantee that stem cell research will cure these ailments, but can we really afford to sit and wonder “what if” when God decides to shake us like a polaroid picture?*** Scientific progress has a fighting chance with Kerry in office.

Then there’s the war in Iraq. Holy shit, are we fucked. Can Kerry really internationalize the forces? Good luck, buddy, you’re going to need it. I cannot speak directly of Kerry’s plans for Iraq (really, who has time to keep up with Kerry when Bush fucks up as much as he does?), but you can read a good, reasoned analysis here. Personally, I don’t believe there will be a draft any time soon, no matter who is elected, but at the rate Bush is going, who can say that today’s germ-ridden, 5 year-old kid isn’t going to be in the desert 15 years from now?

Oh yeah. Like most assholes, I believe that gay people should be afforded all the same rights as straight and asexual people. Abortion should remain legal, if only in the event that I myself get pregnant, and sex education should be taught in the schools, I don’t care how squeamish some parents may get. It's for the greater good. In fact, my fundie friends, the gagortion rate has gone up since Bush took (and I mean took) office. Is it because people are loving each other too much? I doubt it.

By voting for Kerry, we will -- in all likelihood -- be replacing faith-based, uncritical ideological thinking with fact-based, critical ideological thinking. Listen: if there is a god, he has no interest in you or me. He’s probably busier carrying Faulkner home after a heavy night of drinking, or giving Che Guevera high fives. Stop imposing your silly little stories and dreams on us, we’re trying to have an evolution here. (I do not mean to denigrate all religious people. There are many great religious people in the world. But they do not believe it should have any place in our government, or that their beliefs should be imposed on anyone else, or that it is the only guiding moral compass in the world****. Or, at least, they keep that crazy shit to themselves.)

Perhaps most importantly, remember that Bush is a dick. Forget the monkey frat boy bullshit; he’s a fucking fake and a liar. We can’t have that behavior in this establishment. You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here. To paraphrase Eminem, go to IRaq, strap on a AK-47 and impress daddy that way. We don’t need you.*****

Evironment, education, taxes, etc. You know the drill.******

When all is said and done, whoever wins, life will still mostly suck. So I will have continue my plan of writing a shitty book, selling it to a shitty production company, watching the shitty movie they make, and taking the shitty American money and moving to the south of France, where Johnny Depp and I can smoke blunts and swap wives. Yes, whatever happens on Tuesday, I’ll still have my useless dreams and boundless piety.

Yours truly,

Dodgy Goodtimes

*Yes, I am an elitist who thinks that Bush-voters are ignorant and stupid.
**In the interests of full-disclosure.
***Rim shot! Ugh. Good moods make for bad puns.
****That really gets me.
*****Sorry there weren't more meaningful footnotes.
******Seriously, why am I writing this?

Tuesday, October 26, 2004

Another Reason Why the Internet Is Still Fucking Awesome!

Scum of the earth busted because of this.

Eminem's "Mosh"

You can check out Eminem's new anti-Bush video here. The site's slow, but not quite "pwn3d" or whatever it is the nerds say. The song's not that great (it does grow on you a bit), but the video is. I can dropload the song to you, if you want.

Another link, if that one still sucks.

Thursday, October 21, 2004

Random Shit

Top-notch Radiohead concert from 11/2003 here.

The tabloids say that Graham has rejoined Blur.

Enjoy the draft!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

New Flaming Lips Tune

SpongeBob & Patrick Confront the Psychic Wall of Energy. Eh. And if you like the Shins, well, then I'm going to come over there and kick your ass.

Monday, October 18, 2004

The Arcade Fire - Funeral

You can download the best album of 2004 right here. And then you have to buy it. It's not like they're Madonna or anything.

They Don't Get It, and They Never Will

You can watch Jon Stewart's heroic appearance on "Crossfire" (last last Friday, I think) here. "Dick" is a good word.

Friday, October 15, 2004

Dodgy's Fucked Up

This video actually made me like Bill O'Reilly a little more. Until the sucker punch at the end. But, hey, empirical evidence aside, Dodgy also understands how straight men think, etc.

Thursday, October 14, 2004

Brother Bill Is Dead and Gone...

...but a DVD is on the way.

"We Need to Talk"

WTF? I'm not the nervous type, but I'm like a fat midwestern wife convinced the Mall of America is about to blow up, typing this on the 24th floor of the Empire State Building. Probably shouldn't have read In the Shadow of No Towers.

Saturday, October 09, 2004

Debate: The Sequel

The Star Tribune editorial sums it up pretty well for me:
Give President Bush this much credit: In Friday night's debate, he was much more forceful in his presentation of nonsense. Gone was the flustered president of last week's encounter, who at times seemed unsure of the next words that would come from his mouth; here, in Round 2, was a president who, though combative and defensive, showed the courage of his misconceptions.

Friday, October 08, 2004

"Let Me Finish"

Scandal du jour:
Bush was being prompted during the debate. Is Bush Wired?

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Answer: Deteriorating, Not Advancing

Question: What condition was Iraq's nuclear weapons program's condition in?

The Height of Douchebaggery

Trailing 1-0 in the best-of-five series, Yankee cutie Derek Jeter took a curtain call after hitting a solo home run to tie the game at one -- in the bottom of the first inning. Defend that, Smokestack.

NB: "Move, bitch, get out the way / Get out the way, bitch / Get out the way" plays when Sheffield comes to the plate. Sheffield is the only Yankee I can stomach, save Kevin Brown, who publishes a very informative newsletter and glides across my dreams like Nureyev.

Things I Won't Remember

I missed the Twins' 2-0 victory over the Yankees in Game One of the ALDS. Apparently, Torii Hunter is the Yankees' daddy.

I missed the VP debate. Seems the spin wants to call it a draw, if you ignore all of Cheney's lies, and that is a win-of-sorts for Edwards. I have to give Cheney credit, though: it sure was sweet of him to give George Soros' website a plug ( The internet is a beautiful thing.

I missed these things because I went to the Fiery Furnaces/Wilco show last night. Wilco are clearly, with Radiohead, the great live band of my generation. Each song was like a bead of water sliding down a thread, chaos clinging desperately to order. Before it started, I would have rather been at home flipping between the two sporting events, but on a day when it felt as though I needed to slit my own throat in order to breathe again, it was perfect. Nothingness desperately clinging to existence. Absurdity desperately clinging to meaning. Gravity is not an abstract, so it does not apply to abstract ideas (?); I guess I have to deal with that.

Time to Loudly Clear Our Throats

Monday, October 04, 2004

Poland to Bush: Perogi!

Maybe they're hurt because Kerry forgot them. And just when C+ Augustus learned to say that dumb guy's name...

Saturday, October 02, 2004

Quatre ans sans lumière

Just in case you didn't know, Fox News put up 2 factually-wrong stories about Kerry on the website over the last two days. A one and a two...

Friday, October 01, 2004

My Analysis in Twelve Words

God, that had to have been embarrassing for a lot of people.

(NB: ...and then I remembered that they are incapable of shame.)