Tuesday, February 22, 2005

I'm starting to feel sorry for this Jeff Gannon character. He's in way over his head -- a head which will soon have an extra hole in it, I can just tell. And the Empire State Building is just three mad chords stretched out in a dirge.

Miss America ain’t never tellin’ anyone how she feels ever never ever again. They can’t take it, the whitetickfat she lays out for them like monuments in a row.

"I used to think it was the world," she moans. "But now it’s just me. And I don’t even know what I look like! My eyes are just holes in a face!"

She’d rather die tomorrow than spend another million years beholden to chaos. So she sells off all of her investments and asks the millionaire to call her "Sweetheart" when he slaps her across the face. Too bad he can't get an erection.


Blogger colin carlson said...

Some days I wonder, "Who was Gannon fucking/blackmailing?" and think it will bring them down. Which would really be depressing; all the fucked up shit going on in the world, and some shaved-head hooker serving up Scooter Libby a hot lunch is what does it all in, because the "christians" can't handle that. Then we're just ceding more control to them.

Other days, I think he's just some idiot ideologue, some self-loathing closet case conservative, who was offered the chance to get out of his seedy little life because he met the right guy at the right time, and he's just another propaganda plant who didn't realize what he was getting into. A tiny cog in the Message Machine. The guy is clearly no mastermind: his eyes have all the light of a toddler's birthday cake.

He's representative of the entire neo-con Bush league. They're not Ming the Merciless and His Minions. They're incompetent idiots, their intellects shaved down by blue-blooded inbreeding, with too much money. Sure, they don't believe in the whole "Freedom" bullshit, but they probably do think they can change the world. True believers. For their better, not anyone else's. And that's all anyone thinks about anymore. They're just self-serving, greedy idiots -- some of whom just happen to believe that the Lord is coming back, and with a virulent venereal disease. Or some wicked nunchucks, I don't know.

Ah, but wouldn't anyone's worldview be vindicated if the world ended according to their belief? If some six-year old kid from Alabama swallowed the earth whole, I could finally tell you all, "I told you so." Even if I didn't.

11:59 AM  
Blogger Agi said...

Here's the scoop on the real Jeff Gannon

Gannon Exposed!

The rabbit hole goes deeper ya know...

7:34 PM  

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