Wednesday, November 03, 2004

The North Will Rise Again

Nate's right. Fuck them. We saw what they do with "good will" and all that bullshit. If you want a daily affirmation, go read Daily Kos or something.

I'm pretty numb right now, but thinking about two things a co-worker of mine said early today gets the woman-juices all over my voting booth curtain.

This aforementioned co-worker voted for Bush. He is a good guy and I would consider him a friend; so much so that I will even give him a ten minute headstart when the revolution comes. He may be bigger than me, but I mean it more. Anyway, he said two things to me:
"I would have preferred that the Yankees had won the World Series and Bush had lost."

"[I agree with your stance on all social issues and am disturbed by the diplomatic failings of W.] I would have voted for Kerry if i didn't think it would mean a bomb going off in the middle of the city."

Granted, the first comment is as light-hearted as it is honest, but both comments bring to light what really should be fought. See, this guy doesn't represent the venal, extra-chromosome wing of the Republican party. He represents the systematic perversion of values/morality, the failures of our media, and the failures of people like me to understand that facts and truth mean nothing. Who was president on 9/11? I forget, but perception is truth. Advertisments are truth. How do we defeat that? Do we need to give up on truth? It sure as hell don't set you free. Only when this dragon is slayed shall the fundamentalists finally join the dinosaurs. Better a few hundred years late than never.


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