Friday, August 13, 2004

Incoherent Rant(s)

No one's really sure why the governor of New Jersey resigned. It would suck that he can't govern because he loves dick so much, but we don't really know if that's the reason. Maybe there's a scandal coming along the pike. But, unlike "Hannity and Colmes" politcal "sexpert" Newt Gingrich, I won't speculate on things I know nothing about. But, regardless, McGreevey is a coward and shouldn't have cheated on his wife. Call me a flip-flopper, but while I believe gays should be able to marry other gays, I don't believe in inter-sexual marriages. But that's just me. By the same token, it's a lovely little world/America that we've created where people have to lie to themselves and others about who they are, destroying lives in the process.

Speaking of stupid ideas, I've really had it up to here (my chin) with religious people. If little fairy tales help you sleep at night, fine. Just stay the fuck out of my laws and government. And stop trying to tell me how "God" feels about anything, whether he believes a rich man cannot get a needle-sized camel through the doors of heaven or that you should stone insolent children. Do you want ants speaking for humans? Because that's the equivalent. Ants could not possibly comprehend our world, nor you god's. By saying you can, you are infinitely more blasphemous than I am, and I'm about to say, "God can go suck my dick."


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