Thursday, January 22, 2004

Eddie Baby

I haven't formed many thoughts about the John Edwards campaign. To be honest, my first instinct is to be repulsed by it. I mean, we're talking about a guy (considered by some to be "the biggest douche in the universe") who seemingly takes advantage of people who have suffered great losses in their life for his own financial gain. I mean, we all want to believe in an afterlife, where we can be reunited with our loved ones and pets. We want to believe that there are two great "unseens" bookending this "seen," and that people in the heavens can see us in a way they never saw us before they passed -- but is it not incorrigible that this man is really nothing more than a gifted "cold reader" who appropriates genuine, heartfelt memories and distorts them forever in order to entertain a national television audience? I think not. That is a terrible thing for someone to do. Hey, am I supposed to believe that if he's elected president that he'll channel Jefferson, Franklin, Lincoln, etc., to get their opinions on policy decisions? I am sorry, but whatever is offered after we scuttle off this mortal coil is beyond our comprehension. And why would Thomas Jefferson want to talk to a guy with such a gay haircut? Do not be deceived by this charlatan, my friends.

UPDATE: It has been brought to my attention that I have John Edwards confused with John Edward. My bad. Shit, I didn't realize that North Carolina was even allowed to have senators. Anyone hear about this guy before? I am intrigued!


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