Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Incoherent Thoughts

It’s a good thing, blah blah blah, that Saddam Hussein was captured. It’s a good thing he was captured alive, blah blah blah, no martyrdom. Even though none of this makes any difference to Americans in America, perhaps it will mean something to Iraqis, or anyone dim-witted enough to think Saddam could somehow rise to power again. He was captured in a way that showed him to be a pin-dicked pussy; then again, maybe he figures he’s worth more trouble to the administration alive (all his dealings with Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush I, etal., are well-established). Or maybe he was tired.
Does this ensure Bush II will be re-elected? I doubt it, since almost no one in America will give a shit about this in a week. I don’t think non-political/news junkie types give a shit now. (I haven’t heard anyone outside a circle of friends discuss Saddam since Sunday; of course, I live in Manhattan, where people love terrorists.) Plus, to me, this capture of Saddam seventeen years after the war started just kind of goes to show how good this administration is at lowering expectations—any time something good happens (something that would’ve been taken for granted six months ago), it’s the second coming.
The crowing (none of which, surprisingly, is coming from the White House) of right-ish pundits—their admonishing of Dean, left-wing pundits—only proves to me that they have no interest in what happens in the Middle East beyond how it can strengthen their political capital. There is no doubt in my mind that this is all they really care about. The Republicans are to them what the Minnesota Vikings are to me. No more, no less; it’s just easier for them to pretend they have a higher stake in it.
Hearing David Frum and Joe Lieberman-types evoke “God” when discussing this capture makes their rhetoric practically sound no different than Osama bin Laden’s. How stupid to you have to be to drag “God,” “G-d,” “Jehovah,” whatever, into discussions of events surrounding the War on Terra? Then again, I am an atheist, neither too stupid and/or pandering to talk about faith/spirituality the way these twats do.


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