Monday, September 15, 2003

Stuart Smalley's gettin' me all riled up

So, I've been reading the new Al Franken book. While most of it is nothing new to any of us who can outwit a farm animal, it's decent enough chicken soup for the liberal soul.
One crumb of info has stuck with me more than the expected bashing of the right (what??? Sean Hannity's an asshole???) which is that Jesus was a socialist. The socialists' motto is even a direct quote from Acts (apparently some book in the Bible). You know, it's that whole take from the rich and spread it around to the poor thing. So, it strikes me as a bit odd that the (religious) right can be, say, for saving blobs with eyes from a vacuum while also endlessly proposing and/or voting for tax cuts for the rich (see the latest vote in Alabama--the Guv was right that Jesus would want to rejigger their taxes).
Which reminds me, didn't a certain someone say that Jesus was his favorite philosopher, even though he apparently missed the entire socialist facet of that philosophy?
I suppose my points will be better expressed when I figure out how to make links. Good times.


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