Friday, September 26, 2003

Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

(I forgot it's "Talk Like Bill O'Reilly Day," so I edited the following post. If I try one later, it might be funnier. Shut up!)

Now listen, Americans should ignore Neal Pollack. He doesn't speak for true Americans like myself. But still, he refuses to come on this blog and speak to me. I wouldn't let him get away with traitorous diatribes like the following:

The fact is that this country is involved in a weaponless civil war, and our side must fight any way we can. We face an unelected government that has abused a legitimate threat of terrorism to engage in dangerous, unpopular and ill-considered military adventures overseas, has bankrupted our federal and state treasuries, has chiseled away at the Constitution, has allowed corporate corruption to run rampant, has...hell, you know the list. They're bastards. I'm going to fight them on this site, and I'm going to fight them with stupid rock-n-roll and beer.

Don't buy his book on Tuesday, either. Everyone knows music ended and began with the Lennon Sisters.


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