Thursday, July 03, 2003

Boneless Chikken

let me alone here.
tending to my boneless chikken
takes concentration.
must keep an eye on
his organs. they’re unprotected, of course.
a coat thin of feathers lends little support.
his beak and feet are practically useless,
being as all he is is cartilidge and flesh. but i help him by
cradling him in my hands like a wonder when i can.
when he starts tipping forward and he’s alone
he lifts his neck a bit
and leans against the side of the wall
when he’s near the side of the wall
or another stable object. but it
always leaves bruises and sometimes blood, so,
needless to say, we
try to avoid that.
so let me alone here,
tending to my boneless chikken.
tending to my creatures
takes concentration.


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